
A Devil’s Deal by Rin Navarro (Me)

This is the preview of my book, A devil’s Deal! Check it out guys! It’s on Amazon!! The Beginning First of all, nobody is perfect. Let’s get that straight right now. Second of all, people shouldn’t judge others. Now that we got those two things established.…I sold my soul to the devil. Don’t judge! Remember,…

Kingdom of the Wicked

This book!! LOVE!! LOVE!! LOVE!! First off, Kerri Maniscalco is an amazing writer and I loved every single book she has ever written. If you haven’t read Jack the Ripper series, you need to right away. Absolutely fell in love with that world just as I have fallen in love with her new one. This…

Hard Lessons

When we transition from kid to teen to adulthood, we learn some pretty hard lessons. Let’s face it, we get kicked down a lot. Especially turning from a teen to an adult. I’m almost thirty and I still feel like I have so much to learn. Some lessons we learn through experience and others we…

We are the Worst

Over a billion species on the planet, and yet (we) humans are by far the worst. We’re the only ones capable of destroying ourselves. We won’t help our fellow man in the street unless we get some credit for it. A video or a post on social media will make us feel better about ourselves…

A Harsh Reality

“I liked him. And that’s the truth. Even though I know he’s bad for me and we aren’t good together, I can’t leave him. So I stay in this imaginary world that I created, while I ignore the harsh reality – He will never love me, and these little moments of happiness will always be…

Women in the Walls

First book that I have read of the year (and I’ve been reading a lot this year already) and what can I say?? No, really. What can I say about this one…this one was…something. A good something! Not a “Ohmygosh, when will this book be over” something. Shall we begin? I LOVE horror and I’m…

Blood Countess by Lana Popovic

I love historical fiction books! Mainly because I’m a huge history nerd, so it’s no surprise that this is one of my favs. If you don’t know who Elizabeth Bathory is then I highly recommend looking her up. She is known as the female Dracula and yes, she was a real person. A countess in…

A Monster Calls

This book…wow. Just wow. What’s it about? A young boy struggles with life as his mother falls ill. His world is dreary and gloomy until one night he is visited by a monster. A monster who tells him three stories, but he wants something in return, something dangerous: The truth. I read this book before…

The Afterlife of Holly Chase

Okay, so I’m not even going to start this one off with apologizing because we all know by now that I am horrible when it comes to keeping up with this, but hey…it’s a nice surprise when I do post. So with that being known, we’re just going to jump right in to this one.…

Self Publishing is HARD!

Self publishing is not for the weak. It takes some discipline and that mentality to sit down and write. From the picture above, that’s what I really do. I tend to do everything, but work on my book. That’s not even what I want to complain about though. It’s the publisher and communication, or the…


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